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Disability Attorney in Augusta Gives Testimony Tips

Disability Attorney in Augusta Judges gavel and law booksBefore you appear in front of an administrative law judge, a disability attorney in Augusta may provide you with advice about making the best of your testimony. Review the following information and then contact a disability attorney in Augusta for more information.

Know the Standard

The Social Security Administration determines whether you are or are not disabled based on a series of hypotheticals. Therefore, it does not matter if you have not been hired by employers, but only if you would be able to perform certain jobs if you were given the opportunity. Therefore, your testimony should focus on factual statements and observations. For example, it is better to say the reasons why you cannot perform a certain job, such as not being able to stand for long periods of time.

Avoid Arguing

Do not argue with the administrative law judge. You do not have to try to convince him or her that employers in your area are not hiring. This is not relevant, as mentioned above.

Provide Details

When the administrative law judge asks you questions about your disability, feel free to elaborate. For example, if he or she asks why you cannot work, do not simply recite your diagnosis. Instead, describe the severity of your symptoms and the limitations that they cause. Describe if you are limited in certain areas, such as standing, lifting, walking, or sitting.

Let the ALJ Review the Records

Do not feel that you have to educate the administrative law judge on every aspect of your condition. You are not a medical expert. Instead, provide information on how your impairment affects you. The administrative law judge will have copies of medical records, doctors’ observations, and other objective information that a disability attorney in Augusta gives him or her.

Legal Assistance from a Disability Attorney in Augusta

If you would like more tips about the type of information that you should express during your disability hearing, a disability attorney in Augusta may be able to help.