If you are filing a Social Security disability claim, a Social Security disability lawyer in Augusta can answer any questions you may have regarding your consultative examination.
An important part of the Social Security disability claim process is your consultative examination, which will be entered into your record and case file. A Social Security disability lawyer in Augusta knows the common questions regarding this process.
Can My Own Doctor Perform the Examination?
Usually, yes. The Social Security Administration (SSA) would prefer the exam to be administered by your treating doctor. However, your doctor must have the credentials and skills to be considered an expert by the SSA. Also, your doctor must agree to perform the exam.
Who Else Might Perform My Examination?
The SSA often contracts independent doctors and psychologists to administer the exam. You will be matched with a practitioner who has experience with your particular condition. The SSA usually finds someone who can examine you in a location convenient to you but, in some cases, travel may be involved in order to be seen by a specialist experienced in your condition.
How Can I Get My Own Doctor to Perform the Exam?
You will need approval from the disability examiner at the SSA who is handling your claim. Also, your doctor needs to be willing to perform the exam. Social Security disability attorney in Augusta advises that some doctors are not willing to perform this exam, as the fee provided by the SSA is often small. Also, the doctor may not want to get involved in a claim either to preserve the doctor-patient relationship or to avoid belong blamed if benefits are not awarded.
Contact Social Security Disability Lawyer in Augusta
To learn more about your consultative examination, contact a Social Security disability lawyer in Augusta today.