An Augusta Disability Lawyer on Medical Records and Disability

Claimants likely understand the necessity to provide complete medical records to the Social Security Administration (SSA) in order for its determination of disability; yet equally important is the manner in which the…
[ READ MORE ]A Disability Attorney in Augusta, Georgia Answers Questions about Your Physician’s Role in Your Disability Claim

When you meet with your disability attorney in Augusta, Georgia he will explain the role your physician plays in your claim for Social Security disability. Many claimants find the process of qualifying…
[ READ MORE ]A Disability Lawyer in Augusta, GA on Your Physician and Your Claim

Your disability lawyer in Augusta, GA understands your needs. The role that your physician can play in the success of your claim can be significant. When estimating the ability of a patient…
[ READ MORE ]What Happens if I Get an Unfavorable Decision?

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an ALJ hearing to result in a decision of not disabled. If this is the case, there are additional avenues for review your disability lawyer in Augusta,…
[ READ MORE ]What does the Social Security Administration Define as “Substantial Gainful Activity”?

Under Social Security guidelines, there is a chance that you could qualify for Social Security disability benefits, even if you are currently employed, so long as your work does not qualify as…
[ READ MORE ]Providing Testimony at a Social Security Disability Hearing

A Social Security disability hearing is a very important part of applying for disability benefits. The hearing takes place before an administrative law judge, and your Social Security disability attorney in Augusta…
[ READ MORE ]Good Cause for Missing the Filing Deadline

SSA will allow you file late if you have missed the time frame given, but only if you have good cause. Your Augusta Social Security disability attorneys will explain what is considered good cause…
[ READ MORE ]Advice for Your Doctor

If you have been injured and need to file for Social Security disability, you will likely need information from your treating physician. Most doctors are unaware of the legal intricacies of filing…
[ READ MORE ]How to Estimate the Frequency, Length and Intensity of Symptoms

If you experience your symptoms infrequently, you will have to explain their length or how often you feel them to a judge. A knowledgeable Augusta disability lawyer will be able to assist you in…
[ READ MORE ]When Your Previous Application Was Unsuccessful

Disability Attorney In Augusta Denied Application Don't be discouraged if your initial claim for Social Security disability benefits was denied. Talk with your disability attorney in Augusta to find out what your options…