One step of the Social Security process that determines if are you disabled is whether you meet a listing.
If you are disabled, you meet a listing, and it does not matter if there is work you might be able to do. For example, for Social Security purposes they consider a person to be legally blind if, with corrective lenses or glasses, your vision is 20/200 or less in your best eye. So if you are 20/200 in one eye and 20/100 in the other you do not need a listing level for blindness. If your peripheral vision is 20 degrees, meaning that you can only see straight ahead of you and not out to the side, you would meet a listing for blindness.
There are different listings, like listings for your musculoskeletal system would take into consideration herniated disks or amputation, they meet the requirements to get a listing. The Social Security website has a full list of what they consider disabled to get a listing. If you meet a listing or equal a listing, you are disabled and it does not matter if you can return to your past work. If you meet a listing but are still working, you do not meet a listing. For instance, someone who is blind who can work and makes a certain amount of money is not considered disabled under Social Security rule. If he stops working, he would be disabled and meet a listing. Only a small amount of people are found disabled based upon the listing. An applicant doesn’t have to meet a listing in order to be proven disabled.
Contact Our Disability Lawyers in Augusta GA
For more information about the Listings, contact our disability lawyers in Augusta GA. We can help you understand whether you qualify for Social Security disability benefits.